Back again!
Life in the Community is an informative conference for caregivers of adults with disabilities. Co-hosted with the Autism Society of Central Virginia.
Saturday, April 15th, 2023 | 9:00AM–4:00PM EDT | Dominion Energy’s Innsbrook Conference Center, 5000 Dominion Blvd, Glen Allen, VA
Parents & caregivers of adults and self-advocates are invited to join us for a day to explore interests and get better connected to opportunities within our community.
Through interactive “Community Mapping” activities, all will walk away with tools and strategies for increased community engagement.
Registration Includes:
– Five dynamic sessions
– Buffet lunch
– Exhibitors sharing resources & services
– DD Medicaid Waiver Consultations
Cost: 1 for $25, 2 for $40
Email to request a scholarship
Sign up here to get more information and to register: