Events for December 21, 2024

Latinos de VDSA Reunión Mensual – VDSA Latino Meeting

March 28, 2024 @ 1:00PM — 2:30PM Sala de Actividades en la oficina de la Asociación del Síndrome de Down de Virginia y Virtual (vídeollamada) 1504 Santa Rosa Rd Suite 124, Richmond, VA 23229 Latinos de VDSA Únete a nosotros en nuestra primera reunión mensual el 28 de Marzo a la 1 pm para comenzar a crecer nuestra comunidad y proporcionar apoyo y conexiones a los recursos. Estamos ofreciendo la opción de asistir en persona o virtualmente (videollamada) para que todas las familias tengan la oportunidad de asistir. Register here:

Infant & Toddler Development Series – Virtual

Infant & Toddler Development Series - Virtual For New Parents of Children with Down syndrome Formally 'Learn to Grow', the Infant and Toddler Development Series will cover gross and fine motor skills, speech, sensory, hearing, and social skills development. There will be a new expert presenter each week to provide information and answer your questions. For parents of babies to 18 months old. **Spanish translation included! Please register by Monday 3.4.24 for translation services. ** All others please register by Wednesday 3.6.24 Learn how to support babies with Down syndrome as they grow and develop by connecting with other parents and [...]

Improvaneer – Virtual (5 weeks)

Virtual Class for ages 16 to adult. Teens to adults are welcome to sign up! Thursday Nights from 7:00-8:00 pm virtually on Zoom Session 2: Feb. 29 to March 28 (5 weeks) The Improvaneer Method Way focuses on supporting our mission while maintaining immense respect, admiration, and support for the individuals utilizing the program. At all times, we will create a positive learning atmosphere that incorporates fun, humor, and discipline into the achievement and ultimate practice of this skill. -Rob Snow - CEO and Creator If the registration fee would prevent you from attending please use code "VIPguest" to register at [...]

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