Events for January 22, 2026 - March 26, 2026

Adventure Camp – Day 2

Adventure Camp Two sessions: 4 Day Camp Ages 14+ Two Sessions: June 17 to 20th and July 22 to 25th Time: 10 am - 12:00 pm Cost: $25 ​Adventure Camp Rafting Fishing Kayaking Pontoon Boat Ride Locations around the Richmond area. Register here:

Adventure Camp – Day 3

Adventure Camp Two sessions: 4 Day Camp Ages 14+ Two Sessions: June 17 to 20th and July 22 to 25th Time: 10 am - 12:00 pm Cost: $25 ​Adventure Camp Rafting Fishing Kayaking Pontoon Boat Ride Locations around the Richmond area. Register here:

Adventure Camp – Day 4

Adventure Camp Two sessions: 4 Day Camp Ages 14+ Two Sessions: June 17 to 20th and July 22 to 25th Time: 10 am - 12:00 pm Cost: $25 ​Adventure Camp Rafting Fishing Kayaking Pontoon Boat Ride Locations around the Richmond area. Register here:

Latinos de VDSA – Serie de Educación gratis por WhatsApp

Latinos de VDSA - Serie de Educación gratis por WhatsApp Jueves de 13:00 a 14:00 horas. Vamos a conversar y dar información sobre: * Sección de preguntas y repuestas * Medicaid y SSI * Abuso de niños en el colegio y en general * Educación * Temas legales y mas Información y soporte para los padres' que tienen niños/niñas con syndrome de down. Admisión gratis al grupo VDSA Latinos-Información y soporte por 6 semanas por WhatsApp en espanol. 11, 18, 25 de julio 1, 8 y 15 de agosto preguntas contacte a Cheryl Castle o 804-390-5640

Comprehensive Caregiver Support Group (for dual diagnosis)

Join other caregivers of an individual with a dual diagnosis as we learn more about Medicaid and waivers from Jamie Colgin of Hanover County Support Services. Virtual on zoom. Registration link to come.

Williamsburg Therapeutic Riding

Williamsburg Dream Catchers - Therapeutic Riding Horseback Riding Lessons with Dream Catchers Amazing opportunity for 5 people to participate in this pilot program. Take riding lessons on 5 Fridays this summer. Weekly lessons at 9 to 10 am on: July 12, 19, 26 and August 2, and August 9! Ages 4 thru adult. Cost: It’s $40 per session or $200 total per person for all 5 sessions. Scholarships available. Dream Catchers requires: Participants should arrive 15 minutes early to allow fitting of helmets. Parents and caregivers may stay and watch the lesson on the observation deck. A complete application, including [...]

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